Monday, July 9, 2018
"Dad" was a very special person in my life. He used to come to daycare and help me with various things in the kitchen and cafeteria. I loved to hear about his stories of the old days - when he was a kid, when he was a married man, or when he was the mean dad punishing his kids. He loved his music and sometimes we would discuss that. I looked forward to what our next conversation would be about.
"Dad," I will miss you. I loved saving you leftover cupcakes. I knew how you loved your sweets. That is why occasionally I would get you a dish of ice cream from McDonalds or bring you in homemade treats. I loved how we teased each other. When I wanted him to rest for a bit, I would tell him to be good or I was gonna put him over my knee.
"Dad," I think you deserve a spanking. How dare you not say Goodbye to me!
Rest in peace "Dad" with Lola and Cliff and all the animals in heaven.
Veda Rose